A unique terroir, Montecucco

Between the hills of Maremma Toscana and the slopes of Monte Amiata, just few steps from Montalcino

Between the hills of Maremma Toscana and the slopes of Monte Amiata, there’s a very big land which spreads through wide wheat stretches, lush forests, green pastures, wealthy vineyards and olive trees. Montecucco is in an ideal position, in which gentle slops hunt each other till they reach the Tyrrhenian Sea. The environmental and climate conditions are perfect, thanks to the nearness of Monte Amiata on one side and of the Thyrrhenian Sea on the other.

Monte Amiata gives the necessary chemical-physical composition to the soil, like the richness of potassium; on the other side the Thyrrhenian Sea is responsible for giving a constant ventilation, which is indispensable for the cultivation of the vines.
This fundamental factors, which also make the area of Montecucco a rich land, give us abundant harvests and an extremely high quality to the production of wines and extra virgin olive oil.